Period, Period, Wherefore Art Thou Period? 7 Reasons Why Your Period Is Late
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Leia and Han. Amy and Hope. There are some epic love-hate relationships, but few are as legendary as the one between a person and their period.
What Adderall REALLY Does to Your Body
You may “have a friend” who’s taken Adderall to help cram for a test or pull an all-nighter (*cough cough*). But as magical as Adderall seems, there are a few reasons this powerful medication isn’t available over the counter.
Cut Mass, Not Muscle: The Basics of a Cutting Diet
If you want a bod like Gal Gadot’s or Kumail Nanjiani’s (like, WHAT?), you’ll need to be as dedicated to your diet as you are to your squats. Enter: the cutting diet.
ADHD Is Demanding Without Understanding: The Signs of ADHD
At some point, you may have felt antsy or unfocused and wondered if you might have ADHD. As a culture, we generally associate hyperactive, inattentive, or disruptive behavior with ADHD. But this mental health disorder is actually very complex.
These Whole30 Essentials Will Have You Thriving (Not Just Surviving)
Good news: Whether you want to break up with bad habits or figure out what’s causing that food baby, the Whole30 can help.
More good news: You get to go shopping!
What Hypoglycemia (aka Low Blood Sugar) Can Mean for Your Pregnancy
Pregnancy is *supposed* to be a magical time. But between the backaches, swollen feet, and frequent trips to the whiz palace, anticipating your changing body’s needs can be as difficult as tying your own shoes.
Why Try the Keto Diet? Here Are 6 Very, Very Different Experiences
Sorry, Regina George, but butter isn’t a carb. It’s actually a fat, which means it’s keto diet friendly.
“Diet friendly?!” you might be thinking. What kind of diet includes BUTTER?